I’m finally reading a book the boys gave me for Christmas a few years ago. It’s a story about Robin Hood by Stephen R. Lawhead called Hood (looks like there will be two more to read when I finish this one…boys, Christmas is coming soon…) Soon to be Friar Tuck offers Robin Hood his blessing as he leaves
“May the grace and peace of Christ be upon you, and the shielding of all the saints be around you, and nine holy angels aid and uphold you through all things.”
I am so thankful for the support of my friends and family offering prayers, sending positive thoughts, walking and hiking with me. All of this is helping me to handle my treatment so well. So far I have not been sick. I am eating and sleeping well. I have plenty of energy. (I’ve only needed 2 or 3 naps!) I even have a bit of fairy hair clinging still to my head. (Hats and a wig are waiting in the wings)
Sometimes I do get discouraged. On Thursday night before my treatment I conspired with God that I had had enough of this. I wanted to get better, to get on with my life. I felt a burst of much needed positive energy. We had to do something about this mess.
All that to say….my CT scan showed my collapsed lung that had been hanging around since the beginning of the summer had basically healed. (It had been concluded that the lung would stay collapsed (25% or so) and the other lung would make up for it.) The taxotere treatment also seems to be working. Last week Dr. Belanger also concluded that the numbers he looks at in my blood tests were coming down and looking better. Thank you, thank you, thank you!