Memorial: Sherri Walters

After over two years of struggle with lung cancer Sherri Walters passed away on Monday, February 21st, 2011, in the presence of her sons Daniel and Matthew and her husband Andrew.

Please read the memorial page for further information.

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Soaking up the Vitamin D!

Sorry for the mix-up with the website. Somehow with perfect timing we let our old web address expire. It has now been corrected by my web master son, Andrew with everything set up under my name.

We had a bit of a heat wave yesterday. I was able to set out on the deck and soak up some rays from the sun. It was 40 degrees. You could hear the dripping of the water as the snow melted. It will take quite a bit of dripping before we are close to seeing anything like the ground. A sunny day sure puts a smile on your face in the middle of a long winter, though.

Pleasure in the little things….

I made myself an eggs and toast breakfast.
I helped do dishes!
I walked the stairs to the landing twice!

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Reach me by phone or email

I’ve made my first transition toward health, leaving the Concord Hospice House on Thursday and moving to our friends at Little River B&B in Peterborough, NH. We will be moving into a house in Peterborough in the next week or so. I have an amazing support team here so we have decided to transition to Peterborough for the time being. Daniel will be moving in with us to be my caregiver while Andrew is off to work. We can be reached by email, phone and cell phone.

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Meaningful goals help me to truly live life!

Each day I receive Meaning & Purpose Words for Wellness from Cancer Research and Wellness

One I recently received stated: When motivated by goals with deep meaning, by dreams that need completing, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live life!

Even as my health has been compromised over the past months I need to hold on to my dreams and sense of meaning to life.

For over two years I have gone the route of traditional treatment of my cancer along with alternative therapies to complement. I have always wondered while doing this how much focus needs to be placed on what caused this cancer of mine and the cancers of oh so many others. Cancer rates have not declined over the past years during which we have been waging a war on cancer. We need to be looking for a reason along with our search for a cure. Perhaps they are complements to each other.

As a goal for myself in this direction I am hitching my wagon to a star in Sandra Steingraber with her book and newly released documentary film Living Downstream. I have purchased a copy of the film hoping to be a support in its being shown around New Hampshire and beyond.

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Papaya Leaf Tea and other Alternatives

I have been using Papaya Leaf Extract for the past few months based on some research found on the web. Many believe it is helpful to visualize your cancer cells being destroyed so I came up with this picture of my cancer cells being tricked into a lovely Papaya Leaf tea message. Enjoy the picture with me as I make every attempt to rid my body of its cancer and strengthen my immune system. Sooner or later we are all going to leave here. I’m still planning to leave in as healthy a state a possibly. I’m just not giving up. I’m having too much fun living even if its a bit harder to get around.

Here are a few links to some of the alternatives that are still in my bag of tricks.

1. Papaya Leaf Tea Extract
2. Mistletoe Therapy with Iscadore from Weleda
3. Vitamin D
4. Low Dose Naltrexone
5. Eating Organic Food
6. Exercise
7. Sleep and rest
8. Love, Family and Friendship

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What a Way to Go!

I’m trying to have a little fun here. My Mom told the story of Mrs. Kelley who was in her nineties. She died while hanging her clothes out on the line. This was one of her favorite things to do. I am challenging myself to think of 100 ways to die doing what you love rather than lying in bed waiting to go. Although, we may not have that luxury of choice we can hope and dream. Please send me ideas and I’ll add them to my list! Pictures, too, if you have them!  Thank you, Thank you to everyone for your support and ideas!

1. Dancing
2. Singing
3. Hiking
4. Baking Bread
5. Swimming
6. Gardening
7. Planting seeds
8. Laying on my back looking at the stars (Bon)
9. Kayaking on the lake while watching loons fish, from yards away. (Kris)
10. Riding waves in the ocean. (Kris)
11. Walking in the woods with favorite friends. (Kris)
12. Watching a young foal running in the newly greened grass. (Kris)
13. Climbing trees. (Kris)
14. While shopping in an all expenses paid trip to your favorite bookstore! (Kris)
15. Bike riding
16. Even weeding!
17. Having tea with a friend
18. Re-arranging the furniture
19. Watching the Sunset
20. Watching the Sunrise
21. Sticking my feet in the ocean
22. Taking a hot shower….standing up on my own!
23. Cooking an egg
24. Baking muffins
25. Giving a tight hug to a friend
26. Writing a letter
27. Eating chocolate
28. Reading a book you just can’t put down
29. Listening to Music
30. Making a fairy house
31. Skipping
32. Reading a book to a child filled with beautiful words, rhythm and rhyme.
33. Sharing an ice cream cone
34. Throwing stones in the water
35. Listening to the ocean waves
36. While making snow angels (Becka)
37. While singing in a choir (Becka)
38. While visiting with friends at the co-op (Becka)
39. While working at the Used–Bit Shoppe (Becka)
40. While making a snow woman (Becka)
41. While on vacation on Prince Edward Island with good friends (Becka)
42. While playing with dolls (Becka)
43. While writing e-mails to the best girlfriends in the whole world (Becka)
44. Doing Yoga (Andrew C.)
45. Painting watercolors (Andrew C.)
46. Performing a play (Andrew C.)
47. Seeing a falling star (Polly, Pat and Lynda’s friend)
48. Conversing while enjoying a hot-fudge sundae (Ron)
49. Sitting by a campfire
50. Running through a field
51. Sleigh riding
52. Cross-country skiing
53. Flying a kite
54. Walking along the ocean
55. Walking Barefoot…
56. Drinking Hot Chocolate
57. Eating Indian Food-curry
58. Telling stories with friends
59. Baking homemade pizza (Andrew C)
60. Horseback Riding (Ashley)
61. Sitting with your favorite pet…preferable a dog to all you cat lovers!! (Ashley)
62. Knitting (Ashley)
63. Cooking any kind of delicious smelling food! (Ashley)
64. Running sand through your fingers on the beach (Ashley)
65. Taking pictures (Ashley)
66. Riding my motorcycle (Cathy S.)
67. Roller Skating (Uncle Bob)
68. Sitting in my garden with the sun shining warmly on me and the birds singing (but no mosquitos) (Kathy)
69. Playing my clarinet while sitting in the middle of the orchestra, surrounded by the wonderful wounds of music. (Kathy)
70. Listening to children singing. (Kathy)
71. Reading a favorite book for the umpteenth time. (Kathy)
72. Discovering a long forgotten ancestor to add to my family tree. (Kathy)
73. Taking the stairs
74. Walking in the rain
75. Learning to play sitar (Dan)
76. Shoveling snow
77. Planting a new flower garden
78. Walking to the mailbox or Post Office
79. Taking the long way home
80. Finding shells on a white sandy beach
81. Watching the ducks swim (Gramma C)
82. Counting the stars (Gramma C)
83. Picking berries (Gramma C)
84. Making a cobbler (Gramma C)
85. Watching a bird fly (Gramma C)
86. Making a scrapbook (Gramma C)
87. Pealing an apple (Gramma C)
88. Sky diving! (Uncle Dan C, Faryl, Aunt Ruthie)
89. Swimming (Tracie S)
90. More laughing (Tracie S)
91. More dancing! (Tracie S)
92. Living in the moment (Tracie S)
93. Being in peace (Tracie S)
94. Snuggling with those you love (Tracie S)
95. Accentuating the positive in all areas (Tracie S)

Posted in A Healing Path, Inspiration, Mind | 9 Comments

Challenges, Love and a Wedding

We had some challenging days together after Christmas this year as my health took a turn for the worse. Breathing issues brought me to the ER room at Dartmouth Hitchcock Hospital where eventually after a few days I was stablized. I have been staying almost a month at Concord Hospice House in Concord, NH.

One exciting happy outcome of all our troubles was the lovely wedding of my son, Andrew, and his dear girlfriend, Angela. They had all of four days to plan. She was a most lovely bride. Follow this link to see some pictures.  Wedding Pictures The wedding was held at the Hospice House. It was quite a highlight for all involved.

As my breathing and health continue to stablize we are making plans to move from here. We will keep you posted as to how that goes.

In the mean time I am thankful for each day I have to live with my family. I am making plans for the future. Each day that I have is a gift.

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Wow! Does time Fly!

Across the street for coffee or tea and a strudel. Yum!Let’s catch up! (This one is out of order…but it will let you know about this past Summer and Fall)

At the end of May Bonnie and I went to Rockport MA to check it out in the Spring. We usually go with our Mom in the Fall. It was great! The flowers were beautiful. Much more sun. After starting the day at Helmut’s Strudel for coffee, tea and a strudel just across the street from our hotel we discovered lot’s of places to walk getting some much needed exercise. I was feeling much better on my new clinical trial getting along without  using O2.

Spring Gardening

Pansies do it every time!

Our trip inspired much gardening at my own gardens. I started small with window boxes.

My life was full of Homeschool Evaluations April through June and even into July and August.  Visits with homeschool families offering inspiration and support is a favorite part of my year. In fact I’m finally working on my homeschool website as part of my teacher certification hours I need every three years. Feel free to visit the work in progress. Living, Loving & Learning Together!

Andrew and I drove to North Carolina for a lovely wedding in June also celebrating our own 10 year anniversary. This was where we received the news that the clinical trial I was on seemed to be working. Time for jumping up and down with hopeful happiness.

I continued to feel well until August. After a CT scan it was determined the cancer had made its way around the treatment on the move again. We tried to hold off from starting another chemo to wait for a slot in another clinical trial. This was not to be. I was not feeling so good.

With decision making assistance from my boys and parents we decided to try another chemo treatment. This one called Irinotecan was started on August 11. The main side affect seemed to be watery eyes and runny nose.

While not on a clinical trial I have taken the opportunity to try some alternative therapies. I am doing Iscador (Mistletoe) treatment and Low Dose Naltrexone

Just a few weeks ago we noted my O2 levels were not so good again. After the latest CT scan we are off to try something else. I’m continuing with the above alternatives. We have sent a blood sample to Greece and received input from there. My name is on the list for three potential trials.

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Shut the door, Richard!

Somewhere in my memory I  recall my Mom saying in a voice a few decibels higher than normal “Shut the door, Richard!”

Little House Door by Chris Adams

Close the door, Richard!

I always wondered who Richard was but I did know I was receiving much more than a hint that I had left a door open to the cold or the bugs. I found out a month or so ago that my body has ‘left a door open’ or the ‘water running’ within my genes releasing a protein that my cancer needs to survive.

I found out in January that I did not have the ALK mutation I was hoping for. A several weeks later, Dr. Alice Shaw, from MGH called to say she had sent my samples in again and a HER2 mutation was found. I don’t quite understand all of the science but it seems this trial is trying to close the door (turn of the water) to keep the protein out (or in) that causes  my cancer cells to grow.

I have a CT scan a week from tomorrow that will let us know if that process has started.

In the mean time I’m trying to live my life.

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Cross that Bridge!

Sorry for the delay in posting. In November and December we were busy exploring  the possibility of gene mutation testing to try to pinpoint a new therapy available through a clinical trial. We visited with Dr. Alice Shaw of Mass. General Hospital who is involved in clinical trials for lung cancer there. See Genotyping at Mass General The mutation we were hoping for was called ALK for short. The woman in the video above had that mutation with amazing results using the trial drug. In mid December I had a biopsy to discover if I the ALK mutation as well as many other possible mutations that may be useful  for future trials. New discoveries are being made all the time.

I had a few complications after the biopsy which caused me to require a 5 day stay in the hospital. Because of my lung not wanting to stay inflated I had a Talc procedure done that was a little on the painful side. Thankfully all that is over. I was able to be home in time to enjoy a wonderful Christmas with my family. Mom and Dad, Bonnie’s family and Dave’s family were able to gather with us in Bon’s inviting lake house to celebrate Christmas together.

Bonnie and Sherri just crossed that bridge!

Sherri (in red) and Bonnie (in green) just crossed this bridge over 100 feet in the air. Brave huh? or Crazy!

It was a little bit of a low time as the Talc procedure set me back a little. When you are feeling well it is easy to be up. The opposite being true…it is easy to be discouraged when you are not feeling well.

Time passed and we received the news that I did not have the mutation we were hoping for. I took a few minutes to be sad and disappointed. It was time to cross the next bridge. We had been preparing ourselves for that. With the new year I started a new chemo regiment. I seem to be handling this one even better than the last two. I do not get sick, or tired (maybe 2 or 2 naps in the days following the chemo) and my thin hair seems to be filling in from the last chemo.

So to the bridge picture in this post. Bonnie and I took an adventure last week to the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Our theory being that we would have to take matters into our own hands. Since I didn’t have the mutation we were hoping for we would scare the cancer out of me. We decided to take a Canopy Zip Line Tour. If you know my sister, Bonnie, you might think this is more of a ‘Bonnie Thing’ and you would be right. I did not sleep well the two nights before the tour. But I survived no worse for wear. It was beautiful to make our way through the snow covered trees in the softly falling snow whether on the ground, zipping through the air or crossing between tree platforms on a rope bridge. Along with zipping, Bonnie and I enjoyed four hours of cross-country skiing helping me to realize I had recuperated from my hospital stay.We were royally treated at the Mount Washington Resort Hotel. I especially enjoy the waffles at the breakfast buffet, the Victorian Afternoon Tea in the Princess Room, a night swim in the heated outdoor pool and relaxing in front of the many fireplaces scattered throughout the hotel. (THANK YOU Bonnie and Frank for a mostly relaxing break!!!)

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