The Skyline Drive in Virginia

Taking a break from huffing and puffing!

Taking a break from huffing and puffing!

The altitude was a bit higher than I’m used to in New Hampshire. Dad will have to check his map. I’m thinking we were somewhere around 3600 feet?


What a view!


What a view! Even though it was a bit hazy you could still see miles. Next time we must get Andrew in the picture.

Thanks, Dad, for the hike. I’m thinking you were in better shape this time. When you come to New Hampshire we’ll try again.

Even though I was doing a bit of huffing and puffing it was a great walk and a great talk.

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2 Responses to The Skyline Drive in Virginia

  1. Mom & Dad says:

    Hi Sherri, This is just a test to see if it works.


  2. sherri says:

    Hi Dad,
    Looking forward to your comments and details on our hiking.
    love you,

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