Inspire Me!

Inspire: 1. to fill with an animating, quickening, or exalting influence: 2. to take (air, etc.) into the lungs in breathing

I thought it was interesting that inspire and inspiration are related to breathing and lungs.

Do you have a quote or verse that has helped you during a troubling time?
There are plenty of times these days that I could use some inspiration.

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One Response to Inspire Me!

  1. sherri says:

    I thought I would start us off…

    If we buy the illusion that we will live forever, we can waste all the time in the world before we are ready to live…proximity to death wakes us up…to embrace death is not morbid; to deny death is morbid.
    If we know we will die, then we will know we are alive. From this mindful awareness can spring a variety of practices that deepen and enrich our time on this earth. from How, Then Shall We Live? by Wayne Muller

    Your life will be brighter than the noonday;
    its darkness will be like the morning.
    And you will have confidence,
    because there is hope.
    Job 11:17-18

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