
The interview portion of the evaluation lasts about an hour to an hour and a half. Please Add a half hour for each additional child. If time and younger siblings permit, we can sit together at the computer for about ten minutes or so to compose the written part of the evaluation. If this is your first visit basic information can be sent to me ahead of time by mail or email. In an effort to keep costs down I am asking parents to provide a list of resources to be attached to my one page evaluation. This can be a sampling of resources cut and pasted from your list or it can be your complete list. The face to face interaction with you and your child is the important part of the evaluation.

Appointments may be made beginning in January for the months of March through June.

$45 for the first child
$30 for the second child
$25 each additional child

Life’s too Short…

As many of you know I have been living the last two years with a non-smokers lung cancer. Over Christmas I came close to knowing more than I wanted about how short life is and what is important as we make our way through each day. If you and time grant me the chance to do your families evaluation this year I have made a change in priorities for us to follow in our quest to live, love and learn with our families. You already know I do portfolio evaluations and I do not do testing. To this I am adding: I do not review worksheets or workbooks. I only want to see examples of you and your family living, loving and learning together. Life is too short for anything else.